How To Find A Job In Atlanta: 6 Steps To Getting Hired

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Finding a job is a job in itself, when you think about it. If you’re in job hunt mode in the Atlanta area, you’ll be happy to know that many local companies are looking to hire people at this time.

Because there may be national searches for positions in Atlanta, as you might imagine, the competition can be quite stiff. But don’t worry, you can win the job with the right attitude and credentials.

Because Atlanta has many Fortune 500 companies, jobs in the city have a higher profile than many other cities in the Southeast.

How Hard Is It To Get A Job In Atlanta?

Today’s job market in Atlanta is very competitive, yet employers can’t seem to find enough workers. Job boards are abuzz with new positions from some of the top companies in Georgia’s largest city.

While it’s easier to get an entry-level job or one at a restaurant, many corporate roles are available in Atlanta as well.

How To Get Hired In Atlanta

Even though the economy may be trending downward, Atlanta is a large metropolitan city, which means it has a lot of jobs. The key is to find ones that you’re interested in and can actually get.

To find a job, you need to use every resource available to you. You should network as well as use LinkedIn to make connections.

Here are some Atlanta job resources to help you in your search for employment.

Atlanta Job Resources

If you’re looking for a job in Atlanta, many people want to work for the top companies in Atlanta.  According to a recent survey, adults, especially millennials, want to work for:

Best Companies To Work For In Atlanta

Here are some of the best companies in Atlanta along with their job portals so you can apply directly.

(Hover over each company to be taken to their careers page).

Atlanta has some awesome companies to work for. Here’s how to get a job at Home Depot.

Are you a fan of the friendly skies? Read this before applying at Delta.

Here’s How To Get A Job In Atlanta

Of course, you need an eye-catching resume, but a lot of people fail to take advantage of a cover letter. The cover letter can steal attention by using powerful action words the employer is looking for.

Make sure you tailor your resume and cover letter to the specific job you apply for.

Every good resume should have a number of key things in common.

  • Keywords that match those in the job description
  • Strong action words in the top third of the page to grab the recruiter’s attention
  • Get it proofread by someone else before you submit

Once you’re looking good on paper, here are some tips on getting a job in Atlanta:

1. Apply For Jobs You’re Qualified For

So many people apply for jobs that they are not qualified for or can’t do. Do an honest assessment of yourself.

Evaluate what your skills are based on your past work history as well as what your interests are. Write down your skills and talents so you can see your true strengths.

Once you’ve identified your skills, look for jobs that fit your lifestyle. You’ll want to consider location as well as work shift. Can you work afternoons, banker’s hours or third shift?

The answers to these questions will all influence what kind of jobs you apply for.

2. Prepare For The Interview

Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels

You can have all the skills and requirements in the world, but if you’re not prepared for the interview, you will have wasted yours as well as the hiring manager’s time.

Part of your preparation involves researching the company. Look on LinkedIn to find people who work for the company to see if they’ve posted insights on company culture and related things that can help you.

Here’s How To Prepare For A Video Interview

Prepare for the interview by writing a script of what questions you’re likely going to be asked and the best answers. The typical questions on an interview will be:

  • Who are you?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What makes you a good fit for the company?
  • What are your greatest strengths / weaknesses?

It’s always good to have a list of questions of your own. The key here is to focus on the positive and see if you can get some insight into company culture and workplace environment.

Here are some interview tips that can help you land the job.

3. When To Talk Money

Photo credit: Thought Catalog via Unsplash

Most people fumble when it comes to discussing money in the interview. The most opportune time to bring up pay is when the interview has concluded and you’re about to leave.

If your potential employer hasn’t touched on the subject, as an afterthought you can mention that you almost forgot to inquire as to the pay.

This will show them that you’re more concerned about doing a great job and gelling with your workplace co-workers than worrying about money.

4. Always Send A Thank-You Note

One of the dealbreakers for many recruiters is whether the candidate sends a thank-you note. Call it petty, but it’s a fact of life that many hiring managers will not consider you unless you show appreciation by sending a thank-you note after the interview.

You can thank them for their time either with a handwritten note, a card or email. It goes a long way and it’s a small ask on your part.

5. Take Advantage Of The Call Back

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Whether they offer you the job or not, many recruiters or hiring managers will send you a personal email. If they have to tell you that unfortunately they have chosen another candidate that more closely fits the position, here’s your chance to use their contact for your good.

Thank them (again) for the opportunity, but also ask them if they know of other companies that may have similar positions open. If they do, tell them that you would appreciate a contact or introduction.

You’d be surprised how small the local recruiter world is. They know people who know people and may be willing to stick their necks out for you — if you made a good impression.

6. And Lastly, Stay Positive

Photo credit: Christina Morillo /

If you don’t get the job, don’t get discouraged. Due to a diverse workforce and so many industries, Atlanta has plenty of jobs. But in many cases, it’s who you know.

Use your email or social media presence to reach out to Atlanta recruiters and make an introduction. It can go a long way toward landing you your dream job in Atlanta.

How To Get A Job With No Experience

If you don’t have experience, you may think that your job prospects are very low. But that’s not the case. When you apply for a job, make sure you’re upfront on your resume and cover letter about your lack of experience.

Make sure you emphasize how hard of a worker you are and how you plan to collaborate with co-workers and make the job a success.

Also, you’ll be surprised how your past experience — no matter what it is — can apply to the job you’re applying for. Comb through your past jobs, tasks and experiences to craft a bridge to your current job.

More than likely, a hiring manager will be able to make the connection as long as you communicate it.

Final Word

Remember, you can get any job you want if you do your homework. Take advantage of connections on LinkedIn and other networking spaces.

One thing to keep in mind, looking for a job can be just as difficult as working. If you find that it’s taking you longer than you’d like to find a job, try to volunteer in a related field.

The experience you get may be applicable to your future job.

Up next: These jobs are hiring right now in Atlanta

Metro Atlanta’s hot economy has slowed of late due to the COVID-19, but that’s OK. Check out our Coronavirus Resource Guide and find out how to make and save money.
We currently have job articles that show you high-paying jobs, those close to downtown and even side hustles you might like.
If you’re looking to get hired in Atlanta right now, there’s a very real possibility that you can land your dream job.
Tee Johnson: Tee Johnson is the co-founder of and as an unofficial ambassador of the city, she's a lover of all things Atlanta. She writes about Travel News, Events, Business, Hair Care (Wigs!) and Money.