If you have a video interview planned via Zoom or another videoconferencing system, you’re going to have to put your best foot forward to get the job. That means you’ll have to look the part and sound like it, too.

Video interviews are intimidating to many job candidates because of their unfamiliarity, but the key to it is feeling comfortable.

Video Interview: Everything You Need To Know

This article is going to show you how to ace a video interview so that you can get hired. 

In This Article:

How To Do Well On A Video Interview

The video interview is the newest way employers are fielding job candidates for their companies. The process is largely the same as an in-person interview only it’s done remotely.

To nail the interview, you want to come across confident and assured in your abilities and skills. 

Of course, if you’ve made it to the interview stage, your awesome resume has done its part. Now it’s up to you to seal the deal.

What Videoconferencing Services Should You Use?

Use Google Meet for a video interview

If you your would-be employer hasn’t recommended which videoconferencing service to use, perhaps you might want to suggest one you’re most comfortable with. 

Some of the best videoconferencing services for interview include:

What Kind Of Questions Are Asked In A Video Interview?

Here are some popular questions and answers you’ll need to know so that you can handle this part of the video interview.

Question: Why do you want to work here?”

Answer: “I want to work here to explore new challenges that are important in my career development.” Go on to explain some positives about the company/position and ask them to expand on them.

Question: “Tell me a time when you were unsuccessful at work?”

Answer: “There were a few times when the results I received from my work were less than I expected.” Go to expand on how you turned a challenge into an opportunity.

Question: “Where do you see yourself in five years?”

Answer: “I see myself with a track record of successes that will continue to help the company’s stature as well as their bottom line.” You can use this to pivot to some successes you note about the company.

Question: “What skills would you bring to the job?”

Answer: “I bring X-amount of years of experience in [given profession].” Again, use this opportunity to shine a light on your resume as well as some things that you want them to know about you.

What To Wear In A Video Interview

Contrary to popular belief, you do need to wear clothes below the waist in a video interview. The reason is because not only do you want to look professional, but you want to feel like it.

Dress the part by having on a complete suit for your video interview. It will also help keep you in a professional mindset, which is crucial.

Video Interview Tips

The key to a successful video interview is to make sure you’re comfortable. Here are five tips to make the most of it:

  1. Set up your video in a secluded and quiet place in your home
  2. Make sure you have adequate lighting, but not too much light
  3. Check your internet connection for lags or interruptions
  4. Make sure your webcam shows clear and not grainy
  5. Dress professional and yes, wear pants
  6. Make sure the camera is centered on your face
  7. Ensure no distracting objects are in the background

Bottom Line

A video interview is one of the most convenient ways to get a job these days. Not only does it save you time and gas money, but it lets the employer process your position a lot quicker.

Because of the speedy process, you’ll be able to know if you got the job or not, in a short period of time. If you’ve followed the steps in our Video Interview Guide, let us know if you landed the job!

Metro Atlanta’s hot economy has slowed of late due to the COVID-19, but that’s OK. Check out our Coronavirus Resource Guide and find out how to make and save money.
We currently have job articles that show you high-paying jobs, those close to downtown and even side hustles you might like.
If you’re looking to get hired in Atlanta right now, there’s a very real possibility that you can land your dream job.
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