5 Ways To Stay Cool In Atlanta’s Hot Weather

Summer heat tipsSummer heat tips

Photo by Ron Lach : Pexels

Daytime temperatures has been averaging mid-90s for much of the past few weeks — and the mercury seems intent on staying where it is. Now, more than ever, it’s important that you stay inside to keep yourself cool.

 If you’re wondering how to do that, this article will show you how.

How Can I Overcome The Heat This Summer?

If you have elderly neighbors or loved ones, check on them frequently to make sure they are staying out of the heat. Now let’s get started.

1. Stay Hydrated

Drink water to stay hydratedDrink water to stay hydrated

Jopwell / Pexels

Make sure you drink plenty of water. When you’re outside in the heat, your body will sweat. This fluid needs to be replenished by taking in water.  Humid conditions will make you perspire even more. That’s why it’s a good idea to keep a water bottle or jug with you at all times.

How Much Water Should You Drink In Summer?

Regardless of the season, a person should drink about eight 8oz glasses of water a day on average. This will also keep you hydrated when it’s hot and humid.

One way you can always stay hydrated is to keep a water bottle on you.

Pictured: Aquafit 1-Gallon Water Bottle

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Here are some excellent water bottles you can use to stay hydrated:

2. Wear Loose-Fitting Clothing

Another way you can stay cool in the hot weather is by wearing clothing that doesn’t stick to your arms, legs and torso. The body’s temperature has a tendency to increase when clothing is form-fitting.
Opt for loose clothing in the warmer months like halter tops and cotton garments.
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3. Stay In Well-Ventilated Areas

Don’t go to places that have bad ventilation. Not only is this not wise in the era of COVID-19, but you’ll likely burn up.
If you can, try to stay under the fan. You’ll be surprised by how much of a breeze can be generated between a doorway or a ceiling fan or one in the window. 

4. Take A Lukewarm Shower

Photo by Caique Silva: Pexels
Nothing cools the body like lukewarm water. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to bathe or shower in cold water to reduce your body temperature. Lukewarm water will not only do the trick just fine, but it will be more pleasant for you.
Another benefit to using lukewarm water? It can help relieve such stiffness in your muscles.
If you can’t take a shower in the middle of the day (kind of hard to do that at work) you can sponge your head, neck and limbs for a similar soothing effect.
Here are some showerheads that can give you different stream options for maximum relaxation:
Pictured: High-Pressure Luxury Showerhead

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There are also handheld options and those with adjustable streams.

5. Keep Heat Out Of Your Home

Photo credit: Rowan Heuvel via Unsplash
If you enjoy letting the sunlight penetrate your home’s interior, the heat will follow. To mitigate overheating your home, make sure you:
  • Close the blinds
  • Shut the shades
  • Close all windows and curtains
You can also opt for lighter-colored curtains, which will reflect heat rather than absorb it.

Last Word

If you’re preparing to go outside in the summer heat, you should have a plan to stay cool. Heat stroke is a major threat to people right now, regardless of their age. To help you beat the heat, this article will show you how to keep cool amid Atlanta’s hot temperatures.

Beating the heat is a priority in the summer. Thankfully, there are some ways you can manage it without risking your safety.
For a bonus tip, you can open the windows during a time when the bugs aren’t out. Not only will this keep your home cool, but your energy bill will go down as well.
Tee Johnson: Tee Johnson is the co-founder of AtlantaFi.com and as an unofficial ambassador of the city, she's a lover of all things Atlanta. She writes about Travel News, Events, Business, Hair Care (Wigs!) and Money.