The COVID-19 pandemic has changed much about our daily lives in very different ways. One way t has impacted many of us is that the global health crisis has allowed us to reconsider our personal finances.

The frivolous spending that we have become accustomed to may be a thing of the past. But what else has it taught us?

Money Lessons From The Pandemic

In this article, we’ll explore some things that the pandemic has taught us about our finances.

1. Save Money Now

It’s easy to say “save money,” but as we all know, you have to get out of debt first. 

Some ways to climb out of debt include:

2. Cut Back On The Things You Don’t Need

A huge part of staying out of debt involves cutting back on spending. This is especially true when it comes to buying things you don’t need.

Do you really need that new air fryer? Take an inventory of the things you already have before you buy new stuff.

If you’ve already bought things you seldom or never use, consider selling those items.

3. Create An Emergency Fund

If you don’t have an emergency fund, you should consider starting one. An emergency fund doesn’t have to be a huge amount of money

What it needs to do is cover a certain amount of months for when times get rough. Target two to three months for now and see how it goes.

4. Generate Income From A Side Gig Or Hobby

First of all, a side hustle is a job that is usually done in your spare time and outside of the traditional 9 to 5 working hours of corporate America.

When you think of all the ways you can make money, you should be able to find something you’re passionate about.

Check out these hobbies you can turn into cash right now.

5. Count Your Blessings

No matter what, live your life appreciatively. That means that you’ll want to count your blessings for the things you do have.

You only get one life. Make it count by living intentionally.

If you want to learn more, here’s how to live your best life now.

Are you trying to become more financially literate? Check out Money Mondays at, where we’ll share strategies to save and make cash.

If saving money is something you’re serious about, has a lot of resources to help you.
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