No matter how good you are at saving money, sooner or later, you’re going to have to make some. How much? How does $300 a month sound?
How To Save Money Fast — Up To $300 A Month
This article is going to show you how to immediately save money so that you can start building up your savings.
- Automate Your Savings
- Cut Out Your Coffee
- Downgrade Your Cell Phone Plan
- Eat Leftovers
- Cancel Unwanted Subscriptions
- Cancel Your Gym Membership
The way you can use this list is to look at your own circumstances to see where you can cut. Make it practical: Going to the extreme will only result in temporary savings.
1. Automate Your Savings
Building a savings account is one thing; consistently contributing to it is another. The simplest method is to utilize direct deposit, offered by most banks and credit unions, to split your paycheck. The idea is to put a portion of your earnings directly into your savings account while the rest goes into your checking account. This way, you can easily designate a specific amount (you decide how much!) to be saved automatically.
Begin by determining the percentage of your paycheck you wish to save. Next, set up automatic transfers. If your employer doesn’t offer direct deposit to multiple accounts, or if you’re self-employed, you can arrange your own automatic transfers from your checking to your savings account. This method ensures your savings grow consistently, earning interest in a secure location, and minimizes the temptation to spend impulsively.
2. Cut Out That Starbucks Coffee
3. Downgrade Your Cell Phone Data Plan
4. Eat Leftovers
5. Cancel Redundant Subscriptions
- Pandora Premium – $9.99
- Spotify: $9.99
- Apple Music — $9.99
Movie & TV Streaming
- Netflix: $12.99
- Disney Plus: $6.99
- HBO Now: $14.99
Monthly savings: $60
Here’s a streaming hack that lets you watch for FREE!
6. Cancel That Gym Membership
Even if the COVID pandemic wasn’t going on, you shouldn’t be spending money every month to work out in a gym.
You can save more than $360 a year by eliminating your monthly gym dues. As an alternative, look into creating your own home gym for under $60.
Last Word
It may take some effort and self-evaluation but you can keep more of your money if you devote a little bit of time to evaluating where your money is going every month.
As you can see, you can save quite a bit of money really fast if you try some of the things we’ve mentioned. Here’s the truth…
You Can Save $300 A Month
The savings strategies that we’ve outlined are something that you can put into practice right now. This can be $300 in savings each month. That’s $3,600 a year.
You may have some other ways you’d like to save. Let’s hear from YOU!
Interested in other ways to save or make money? Check out our Money Page:
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