We are living in perilous times as food prices continue to peak and shortages on key items becomes a concern. That’s why you need an emergency food supply list.

In this article, we’ll share how you can save money by building an emergency food supply list to keep your cupboards have being bare. Keep in mind that you’ll want to keep an eye on expiration dates on perishable goods.

What To Buy For Your Emergency Food Supply

Because none of us knows what the future holds, we should always be prepared for an emergency. The key is to store food that can be cooked and items that can be eaten without being cooked.

Remember to properly store items based on the temperatures they need. Bacteria can spoil food quickly if stored at the wrong at temperatures.

Ready to go over some things you need for your emergency food supply? Let’s get started.

1. Buy Water

You should stock up on bottled water if you can. H2o is the most nutritious thing you can put inside your body. Whatever you favorite brand of water is, you should be able to find it at your local grocery store.

If buying bottled water is not an affordable option for you, consider storing water in your own containers.

Some bottled water options are:

2. Store At Least For 3-Days Supply

The federal government recommends that you stock at least a three-day supply of perishable goods for any disaster or emergency.

You may choose to extend that to a week’s worth, if you have the space. But don’t buy items that you will just end up hiding from yourself. If you do that, much of your food will go bad.

So, what are some items you should buy? Here’s a partial list:

  • Dry Cereal O Granola
  • Dried Fruit
  • Canned juices
  • Ready-To-Eat Canned Meats and Vegetables
  • Peanut Butter
  • Non-Perishable Pasteurized Milk

Here’s a FREE printable pantry list you can use.

3. Buy Foods Your Family Loves

When it comes to stocking up a food pantry or storing emergency food supplies, one of the main ways to waste money is to buy things you and your family don’t even like to eat.

If you have children, ask them what they like to eat so you’ll know what to store.

Also, make sure you account for snacks, drinks and the main foods that make up a normal diet.

4. Buy Groceries In Bulk

You’ll also want to buy groceries in bulk quantities. Not only does it save money, but it ensures that you have a plentiful supply of the things you like.

Want more tips on bulk-buying? See how to save on groceries.

5. Be Mindful Of Any Dietary Restrictions

It will do you no good to stock up on items that hurt your stomach or that you can’t have. Keep in mind what your dietary limits are.

If you can’t have a lot of sweets, it may not be a good idea to go all in on cereal or sodas.

Last Words

Making your own emergency food supply is simple if you take the time to plan. In case you lose electricity, make sure you have food items that don’t need to be cooked or heated. 

Above all, you need to stay safe with the foods you choose to eat. That means you may have to throw away perishable food such as meat, poultry, or any leftovers that have sat out and are over 40 degrees Fahrenheit for two hours or more.

Atlantafi.com is bringing you the latest on the coronavirus pandemic. More definitive advice on health, please visit CDC.gov. Here are some helpful links:

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