Atlanta Among Cities Where You Can Earn Six Figures And Still Be Broke

Atlanta has made yet another distinguished list, and this time it’s a bittersweet fact. The city is among the places where you can earn six-figures and still be broke.

The figures come from a report by MagnifyMoney, which analyzed data from the largest 100 metropolitan ares in the United States. They also did a deep dive into variables that impact disposable income.

Atlanta on list of cities where you can earn 6 figures and still be broke

The conclusion? Location matters. Overall, East Coast and West Coast families have less disposable income compared to other U.S. households.

 MagnifyMoney based its case study on a family topping $8,333 per month in gross income. To come up with the figures, they subtracted the family’s monthly expenses, debt and savings.

Up next: How to find a job in Atlanta

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CJ Johnson: CJ is a longtime Atlantan who has written a book about Atlanta's food scene. He has also fallen in love with the city's music and sports scenes. He writes about Food, Restaurants, Travel, Sports and Atlanta Culture. Check out the book.