6 Books That All Atlantans Should Read

Booker T. Washington - Atlanta books you need to readBooker T. Washington - Atlanta books you need to readBooker T. Washington - Atlanta books you need to readBooker T. Washington - Atlanta books you need to read

Atlanta figures prominently in American history. Unfortunately, our memories aren’t sturdy enough to remember all the high and low points. But books!

6 Atlanta Books That Should Be Required Reading

That’s why we have books. Inside their pages hold the vital information that tells us where we’ve come from and where we’re going. Thanks to books, we have documented proof of Atlanta’s history so that it’s never forgotten, or repeated.

Here are some books that Atlantans should read. 

House Proud: A Social History of Atlanta Interiors, 1880-1919


Atlanta’s Historic Westview Cemetery (Landmarks)


White Flight: Atlanta and the Making of Modern Conservatism


Lost Atlanta


Battles for Atlanta (Civil War)


All the Fighting They Want: The Atlanta Campaign …


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The post 6 Books That All Atlantans Should Read appeared first on AtlantaFi.com.

Source: AtlantaFi

Tee Johnson: Tee Johnson is the co-founder of AtlantaFi.com and as an unofficial ambassador of the city, she's a lover of all things Atlanta. She writes about Travel News, Events, Business, Hair Care (Wigs!) and Money.