Rapper Young Thug successfully petitioned for milder probation terms that will allow him to return to Atlanta much sooner that originally planned.

Young Thug, real name Jeffrey Atkins, was granted permission to visit Atlanta for two weeks at a time, up to four times per year, starting in October 2027, according to new terms set by the judge.

When Can Young Thug Come Back To Atlanta?

Young Thug can return to visit his Atlanta home starting Oct. 31, 2027, only if he does not violate his probation over the first three years.
When he does come back, those visits are limited to up to two weeks at a time, up to four times per year, on a non-consecutive basis, according to the court order.

Following a plea deal, Atkins was released from jail on Halloween 2024, which marked the end of the longest trial in Georgia history.

Video footage that night showed a dark sedan pulling off from the Fulton County jail with Young Thuginside.

As terms of his plea deal, Young Thug must also:

  • Stay away from metro Atlanta for 10 years.
  • Refrain from using any illicit drugs.
  • Avoid association with any gang paraphernalia.
  • Speak against drugs/gang violence four times a year.

Many people, including Young Thug’s father, did not agree with the state’s demand that his son stay away from Atlanta, effectively banning him from his hometown.

“I feel great that he’s going home, but by the same token, I wanted him to fight,” he said, referring to his son taking a plea deal. “As an adult, he has to make his own decision.”

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