One thing about Atlanta is that it’s full of celebrities at every turn. recently caught up with actress, producer and reality TV star Yandy Smith Harris to learn about Yelle, her skincare line.

Harris shared what motivated her to get into the beauty and cosmetics industry.

Yandy Smith Harris: Yelle Skincare Is Dedicated To Melanin-Rich Skin

“When I started getting on TV that was my first time wearing makeup and my skin really reacted badly to it. I broke out really bad.”

She said that when she went to Sephora to get everything she needed to clear up her skin, the total bill was more than $600.

“I realized the average woman would not be able to afford an all-natural plant-based skincare line that would cost $600 a month,” she said.

“That’s when I decided I wanted to get with a master esthetician and a chemist to create something that was green, that was natural, that was plant-based for the everyday working woman like myself.”

I wanted to make sure that this product was for people with melanin in their skin.”

Where Can You Buy Yelle Skincare?

You can buy Yandy Smith’s skincare products at

The Atlanta hair industry is one of the largest in the Southeast, with more than 8 million people getting groomed each month. 

But you can do it yourself. All you need are some quality shears and some high-performance clippers to get the job done.  Check out our Beauty Page for other ways to get shaped up.

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