An eco-friendly beauty salon is coming to Buckhead, according to TonetoAtl, which covers openings and closings.
The Water Room comes from beauty blogger Jessica Morse, who’s blog “Bare Beauty,” highlights clean living in beauty and cosmetics.

The Water Room Atlanta Coming To Buckhead

The Water Room will reportedly open its doors in the springtime. The business will be housed in Buckhead Court, the shopping center on Roswell Road between Wieca Road and Windsor Parkway.
The Water Room will specialize in products that don’t contain hazardous chemicals and other bad ingredients.
The original location is in Charleston, South Carolina, where the establishment pledges “we only use nail salon products that are as nontoxic and clean as possible without sacrificing performance. We will never use a product on you that we wouldn’t use on ourselves, or our children. That is our promise.”
We look forward to The Water Room. Stay with us for business updates.

The Atlanta hair industry is one of the largest in the Southeast, with more than 8 million people getting groomed each month. 

But you can do it yourself. All you need are some quality shears and some high-performance clippers to get the job done.  Check out these other grooming links to get shaped up in Atlanta.

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