How To Sell Your Hair For Extra Cash

You should make it your goal to make money this year on your own terms. You can decide whether that’s a side hustle or full-time business you can do from home. Along with using your head, you can use your hair.

If you have long luxurious strands, short curly locks or something in between, you may be able to earn extra cash by selling your hair. You can sell your hair online and locally by taking just a few steps.

This article is going to show you how and where to sell your hair online.

What Are Hair Buyers Looking For?

If you want to expand your hairselling operation, the best way to do that is to offer a variety of types of hair. Here are two things hair buyers are looking for:

10 inch Hair

Many buyers want different hair types, from something that looks like virgin Remy to Indonesian, but the length they need is usually the same. Buyers want hair that is at least 10-12 inches long.

Thick Textures

They also are interested in thickness, which is measured in inches. The thicker the hair, the higher quality it is considered to be. Buyers are not interested in stringy hair that sheds easily.

Now that you know what they’re looking for, let’s get into the money:

How To Make Money Selling Hair

All of the websites we list to sell your hair subscribe to similar best practices. For the most success in selling hair, make sure you:

  • Take good photos and plenty of them
  • Show photos up close and far away to capture the length and texture of your hair
  • Disclose if you are a smoker or have a pet

Once you’ve taken your photos, you’re ready to begin selling hair. Here are some of the best ways to make money selling your hair:


At, you can make as much as $700 selling your hair. This hairselling marketplace even has a Hair Calculator Tool to help you see how much money you can make from your locks.

HairWork only sells what they call “craft-quality” hair, which can be used on bows and such. Price and shipping cost depends on length, color and weight. Prices may change.

Buy And Sell Hair

At, you can run ads that sell your hair for you. This is one of the most effective  advertising platforms for selling hair.

If you become a verified buyer, you chances of selling on increase quite a bit.

Just Sell My Hair

If you go to, you can post a listing to sell your hair as well. There’s also a Hair Calculator so you can see what your locks are likely to fetch.

Online Hair Affair is a great resource that allows you to buy and sell your hair across the United States.

If you’re interested in donating your hair, you may be wondering what length your hair needs.

Becoming a salesperson may be a bit much for you. You may be wondering if you can sell your hair for wigs.

How To Sell Your Hair For Wigs

A lot of people may not know it, but you can sell your hair directly to companies that make wigs. Here are some companies that buy hair to manufacture wigs.

How Long Does Hair Have To Be To Sell It?

Many wig companies require different lengths of hair before they buy it. The company will list the requirements on their respective websites.

As we mentioned above, if you have hair around 10 inches long, you will have no problem selling it. If it’s shorter than that, you will have fewer people interested in purchasing the hair piece.


You can make some good money selling hair if you’re committed to it. On the other hand, if you just want to make some extra cash, selling hair will allow you to do that, too.

The beautiful thing about selling hair is that it grows back, so you can resell it as many times as you like.

If you’re interested in making extra income, don’t miss How To Make Money At Home and How To Quarantine And Make Cash.

Interested in other ways to save or make money? Check out our Money Section:

Tee Johnson: Tee Johnson is the co-founder of and as an unofficial ambassador of the city, she's a lover of all things Atlanta. She writes about Travel News, Events, Business, Hair Care (Wigs!) and Money.