5 Relaxing Virtual Landscapes To Play In Your Home Office

If you’re working from home due to the coronavirus pandemic, things can get a bit boring around the house. While you don’t want to liven things up too much with extra noise, some relaxing sounds and images can do wonders while you work.

The key to a relaxing video is two-fold:

  • You don’t want images, videos to be so mesmerizing that you can’t concentrate on your work.
  • You don’t want the videos or music accompanying it to be so loud that you can’t focus.

Here are 10 relaxing videos to play in your home office.

1. Relaxing Tropical Island

2. Birds Singing By The Lake

3. Beautiful Scenes Of Nature

4. Relaxing Farm Village

5. Satisfying Rain And Thunder

6. Relaxing City Park

7. Relaxing Nature Preserve

8. Gentle Rain And Native American Flutes

9. Relaxing Sounds And Underwater Scenes

10. Dance Of Life: Relaxing Music

Bonus (For Star Wars Fans)

It’s no secret that women are ruling the world. In fact Beyonce tried to tell y’all that some years ago. Today they make up the #1 entrepreneurs in 50 of the biggest cities in America. From femtech to beauty products, women have their hands on the pulse.

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Tee Johnson: Tee Johnson is the co-founder of AtlantaFi.com and as an unofficial ambassador of the city, she's a lover of all things Atlanta. She writes about Travel News, Events, Business, Hair Care (Wigs!) and Money.