After Detroit-based food critic Keith Lee swept through Atlanta and reviewed several of the city’s black-owned restaurants, it’s safe to say that his videos left some food for thought for a few popular eateries. He even received death threats!

Several of them responding to his feedback, but one of them — The Real Milk & Honey in College Park — had a response that many construed as disrespectful.

The Real Milk & Honey posted a video in which the owner said “Who is Keith Lee?” as if to imply that he was not anyone to be respected in the food industry.

Of course, the video did not go over well with the Lee-gion (OK, I made that up). But seriously, Lee’s fans were upset.

Now the restaurant just posted an apology and clarification on social media saying that he didn’t mean to “discredit” Lee, who has left the city with his family to do other food tours in American cities.

The apology from the Real Milk & Honey reads:

“Today, we extend our apologies to all as we address a recent incident that highlighted a review from a high-profile food blogger.

In no way were we trying to discredit anyone, if the comments came across as such, kindly accept our apologies.

It’s crucial to always take feedback and make improvements for the success of our business, and our community. We’ve taken time to reflect on the incident and have started internal corrective actions with our team regarding communication styles.

The restaurant also noted that the “house rules” circulating social media were outdated. “The current one is to be published soon on our social platforms so everyone can see it’s a vibe no rules.”

The owner of the restaurant is hosting a sitdown at the establishment on “all day Saturday” to talk about the incident and share lessons and insights.

Final Bite

We love The Real Milk & Honey restaurant and we know that they will get it right as they continue to win in metro Atlanta’s competitive food and drink scene.

If you want to check out some other food spots in the area, here are the best restaurants in Buckhead. Or you might like to read our Buckhead Steak Guide to find all the best eateries offering mouth-watering prime cuts.

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