If you love to travel to check out restaurants to eat at in Atlanta, then MARTA is your friend.
This article will tell you everything you need to know about MARTA train, including how to board and where it runs.
MARTA: Everything You Need To Know
Where Does MARTA Run In Atlanta?
MARTA runs north, south, east, west and northeast and mostly within the perimeter of the city limits of Atlanta. Technically, there are some train routes that go to suburban cities as well like Doraville, Sandy Springs and Decatur.
For the most part, the MARTA train stays within the city of Atlanta while the many bus routes take you beyond the Interstate 285 loop, which is the unofficial border.

Is MARTA Safe?
How Much Does MARTA Cost?
Standard Fares | Price |
Regular Fare | $2.50 |
Atlanta Streetcar Regular Fare | $1.00 |
Senior Citizens, Disabled Riders and Medicare Recipients | $1.00 |
MARTA Mobility | $4.00 |
- 1 Day Pass — $9.00
- 2 Day Pass — $14.00
- 3 Day Pass — $16.00
- 4 Day Pass — $19.00
- 7 Day Pass — $23.75
- 10 Trip Pass — $25
- 20 Trip Pass — $42.50
- 30 Day Pass — $95
About Breeze Cards And Breeze Tickets
Breeze cards are what MARTA fares are paid with. Breeze cards are $2 and may be reloaded for up to 3 years, whereas Breeze tickets are $1 for single-use only. MARTA fare is $2.50 for a one-way trip — but you can switch up your options depending on your destination and how you want to get there.
Fares are loaded onto a Breeze Card/Ticket and can be paid with cash or debit/credit cards at Breeze Vending Machines or RideStores. If you pay with cash on a bus you will still need a Breeze Card/Ticket to receive your transfer.
Does MARTA Run 24 Hours A Day?
MARTA does not run 24 hours a day, but it runs throughout most of the day. Depending on whether it’s a weekday or weekend, MARTA may run up to 2 a.m. on most nights. The train typically begins service at 6 a.m.
How Frequent Does MARTA Run?
- 5-6am — Approx. 20 mins
- 6am-7pm — Approx. 15 mins
- 7pm and later — Approx. 20 mins
What To Do If I Have a Disturbance on MARTA
From time to time, you may come across a person on MARTA who is intent on causing a disturbance. What should you do?
If it’s someone who’s more of a nuisance than a threat, ignore him or her. If you feel that your life is threatened, that’s another matter.
Feel free to connect to a MARTA Police dispatcher directly by calling 404-848-4911 or texting 1-877-371-8477 In cases where it’s not an emergency, feel free to ask a nearby MARTA employee for assistance. Dialing 911 on your phone will connect you directly to a local jurisdiction’s dispatch, not MARTA Police.
Final Word
MARTA is a great way to go to and fro around Atlanta. If you’re using it after dark, be careful around Five Points MARTA station, which is a bit for sketchy than some of the neighboring stations (Georgia State, GWCC/CNN and Peachtree Center).
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