Do you have a black business in Atlanta? If so, Google is doing what it can to amplify your business on its platform with several initiatives.

The company recently announced that black businesses with a verified Business Profile on Google can add a Black-owned business attribute to so that customers looking to support such firms can more easily find them.

Google Makes It Easier To Find Black Businesses In Atlanta

The move is part of a partnership with the U.S. Black Chambers, Inc., which has made it a mission to address the needs of local black businesses.

Meanwhile, Google’s first U.S.-based accelerator program has some Atlanta representation as well.

Jewel Burks Solomon, who leads Google for Startups in the United States has announced that Atlanta-based TQIntelligence has been selected to participate in the Google for Startups Accelerator: Black Founders.

The accelerator program aims to support the technical and business development issues that typically plague startups.

“Google has been active in the Atlanta community for over a decade, and during that time, we’ve watched as the city has become a hub for diverse founders to succeed,” Jason Scott, Head of Developer Ecosystem in the U.S., said in a statement. “As a Georgia native, I am extremely proud of Google for Startups’s ties to Atlanta, and we’re so excited to have TQIntelligence and their founder Dr. Yared Alemu as a part of our first Google for Startups Accelerator: Black Founders cohort.”

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Google has stepped up big-time for communities in Atlanta as well as around the nation.

The Silicon Valley tech giant recently launched an initiative that takes advantage of Google Career Certificates, which equip participants with the essential skills they need to get a job.

The certificates will be available online on the learning platform Coursera and will focus on Data Analytics, Project Management, and User Experience (UX) Design.

Want to know and do more? Here’s How To Support Black Business Near You

If you’re in the mood for a more finished product on your plate, check out our Atlanta Soul Food Guide.

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