Conversations & Cocktails 2018 In Atlanta

Mental Health America of Georgia is hosting its second annual end of year reception spotlighting our work in early intervention and crisis prevention through our maternal, youth, and adult programs. Conversations & Cocktails (formally known as Coats & Cocktails) will return for guests to enjoy cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and music while we present our accomplishments. Guests will enjoy the beautiful view overlooking Midtown from the 18th Floor at the Nelson Mullins Law Firm in Atlantic Station.


During this event each year, we collect items to benefit Georgia’s homeless communities. This year we will be collecting toiletries which may include soap, shampoo, toothpaste/tooth brush, sanitary pads, wipes, and much more. We are dedicated to supporting all mental health populations around the state through our education, advocacy, and outreach efforts. In the US, 20-25% of the homeless population experiences some form of mental illness which can have a large impact on the access to everyday necessities.

This year’s donations will be received by Good Neighbor Homeless Shelter of Cartersville, GA.

T. Johnson: