“20 Beautiful Women™” started as a best-selling book series and has now become a movement of authors, speakers, writers and life coaches bonding together for the common goal of advancing sisterhood, and helping women (and men) to transform from the inside out.

Saba Tekle collected these beautiful women (and men) that have the common denominator of overcoming devastating circumstances, loss, or disappointments. But the one thing that connects them all is finding the strength to heal, find their purpose through their pain and now passionately help others in the areas self-love, weight loss, career, spirituality, relationships, finances, and forgiveness.

The award winning book inspired the #20beautifulwomen challenge (over a million women participated in) and the women have been featured in The Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, HLN’s The Daily Share, TEDx as well as many other media outlets. For more information go to: www.20beautifulwomen.com


Join us…

Get excited because it’s almost time for our Soul Summit – “20 Beautiful Women” 4th Annual Event.

It will be a soulful 2-Day 3-Part event featuring he authors of, “20 Beautiful Women”, “20 Beautiful Men” + you, yes you.

Come to listen to powerful inspiring stories and network with other successful soul driven women and men.


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